Fw: [Fredslist] Vote for Dana's dog, Annie - Doggone Calendar Competition Seeks Gotham Magic!

Dana Charlton dcharlton at kleinzelman.com
Fri Aug 15 14:49:57 EDT 2008

Hello Gotham,

Being it's Promotional Friday, I hope I may promote my request for your
help . . . If you've already voted for Annie to fetch a place on Bideawee's
2009 Calendar, Thank You!   If not, I hope you'll vote for her by this
Sunday.  The winners will be announced on Monday and I'll share the news
with you!  (My earlier fredslist request is here).

            Hi Gotham

            You all know Dana from Fred and Nancy’s office.  Her beautiful
            dog Annie (who looks like my dog, Angel, so I may be biased) is
            a candidate for the Bide a wee calendar.  Her photo is attached
            so you know which one she is (her photo is the first page,
            bottom left corner.)

             I just cast my vote so join me and vote for Annie!

            Here is the link to vote for Annie -

            Hello Fellow Gothamites,

            My dog Annie is a candidate to win a featured spot on Bideawee
            Shelter's 2009 calendar, but she must receive enough votes to
            help her to win.  There are lots of candidates on the site, so
            that Gotham Magic would sure help!

            I've attached a link to the voting page on the Bideawee
            website, and Annie's photo is on the first page, bottom left
            corner.  She's mostly black with brown eyebrows and a beautiful
            smile.  Would you please vote for her and help her win a place
            on the calendar?  You just check the box beneath her photo and
            then type in the code provided at the bottom of the voting
            page.  It'll be such a tail-wagger if she wins!

            (I'm also attaching a copy of the photo I sent in, so you'll
            know who to look for, but I think if you rest your mouse on her
            photo on the website, you'll see Annie's name and mine also.)

            Thank you so much, and Woof-woof!

            Dana Charlton, Lefty Group

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Many thanks again.

Dana Charlton
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
Gotham City Networking, Inc.
485 Madison Avenue
New York, NY  10022
(212) 935-6020, ext. 212
dcharlton at kleinzelman.com

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