[Fredslist] Ride the Circuit to Israeloff Legal

Lisa Waterman WATERMAN at israeloff.com
Mon Aug 11 09:58:37 EDT 2008

Ride the Circuit to the next meeting of the Israeloff Legal Group will
be held on Wednesday August 13, 2008 at 12:30PM at the Friars Club
located on located at 57 East 55th Street.  Lunch will be served.


As you know, our own Lew Tesser is the Director of the Ethics Institute
of the New York County Lawyers' Association (NYCLA) and a member of its
Professionalism Task Force.  The Task Force is conducting several "focus
group" meetings to discuss the state of professionalism among the Bar
and possible solutions to perceived problems.  Focus groups have already
been conducted with associates of major firms, Corp. Counsel, etc.
Probably within the year, the Task Force will issue a report which
should receive significant local and national attention.


Our group is a natural focus group, and Lew will be taking about half an
hour to conduct the focus group.


I encourage you to bring a guest, as there are still a few openings at
the Gotham table.  If you now of anyone who would benefit from Gotham's
wonderful networking experience, please let me know.  I will try to
clear any potential conflicts.  The cost for guests is $40.  Please
confirm your attendance to me as soon as possible.  If you have any
promotional material concerning your practice, please feel free to bring
copies to the meeting.


We look forward to a mutually rewarding networking experience.




Lisa B.Waterman 
Director of Marketing 
Israeloff, Trattner & Co., P.C. 
1225 Franklin Avenue - Suite 200 
Garden City, NY  11530 
Tel:  (516) 240-3300 x267 
Fax: (516) 240-3310 
www. israeloff.com 
Isn't It Time You Made Israeloff, Trattner & Co. Part Of Your Team? 


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