[Fredslist] WHAT a meeting!!!

Gail Koelln gkgrantwriting at verizon.net
Fri Aug 8 09:37:00 EDT 2008

Fellow Gothamites,


I am still feeling the excitement from yesterday's Gotham Green meeting.  We
had a large turnout, with about 30 people present.  Our featured speaker,
Skip Backus, Executive Director of the Omega Institute, gave a fascinating
presentation about their new Omega Center for Sustainable Living
construction project. This building is what is called a "Living Building"
and it not only uses green materials, but produces its own energy and
drinking water.  The water is produced using an on-site, organic water
filtration system that uses plants, bacteria, snails and fungi.  The
building even has a "frog fence" to protect an endangered species that lives
on the site.  It was all quite remarkable!


After Skip's presentation, we went around the room as usual and continue to
be amazed by the kind of work being done locally.  One young man who just
graduated college studied how to generate electricity from living organisms
and is now looking for work in that field!!  It just blows your mind!


It is truly inspiring to attend these lunches and learn about the exciting
things being done in the sustainable business sector.  I invite all
interested to ride the circuit to future meetings and be amazed!


Best wishes,



Gail Koelln


GK Grant Writing

82-52 211 Street

Hollis Hills, NY 11427

phone (718) 776-7284

fax (718) 776-9806

email gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com or gkgrantwriting at verizon.net



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