[Fredslist] Robert Cohen, Esq.-Wonderful Meeting, Great Business Advice

Joel Schnur joel at schnurassociates.com
Wed Aug 6 11:37:54 EDT 2008

Dear fellow Gothamites:


I had the occasion to meet with one of our tribes members a few weeks ago
and am more than happy that I did. 


Robert Cohen (Rob) and I had been scheduled to meet some time back and for
all the usual reasons kept on postponing it-all from my side. And now that
we finally did connect, I regret having put it off because it definitely
would have saved me a lot of aggravation and money.


Robert's forte is collections and he gave me some excellent advice and
language to insert in all my future contracts as well as how to collect on
some that went bad. That along with a most pleasant exchange of ideas and
thoughts on life, family and politics made it more than worthwhile. I
strongly suggest that you spend some time with Rob and watch your client
aggravation level be dramatically reduced. 


Late risers be forewarned, he likes having his meetings at 8 a.m.! J







Joel Schnur

Senior VP

Government Affairs/Public Relations

Schnur Associates, Inc.

1350 Avenue of the Americas

Suite 1200

New York, NY 10019


Tel. 212-489-0600 x204

Fax. 212-489-0203 

joel at schnurassociates.com 




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