[Fredslist] Possible Gotham Charitable Group

Christopher Lamal clamal at lamal-law.com
Thu Apr 24 10:53:17 EDT 2008

Thanks to all who have responded already.  For stragglers and those who may
have missed the original e-mail, I am at Fred's suggestion sending it again.


Dear all,

One of the great things about Gotham is the commitment so many of its
members have shown to helping better our communities, our society and our
world through active involvement in a broad range of charitable and
philanthropic activities.  Gotham in fact has its own charitable foundation
that provides financial support to several charities designated by Gotham

The purpose of this e-mail is to try to gauge the level of interest among
fellow Gothamites in establishing a "special interest" Gotham forum devoted
to philanthropic and charitable concerns.  It would not be a new Gotham
"group" with its own membership and fees.  Rather, it would be special
interest forum similar to our existing "Lefty" and "Lapsed Lawyers" groups.
It would be open to all, and attendees would only have to pay the normal $40
Friars fee for each luncheon. The idea is that we would gather for lunch
quarterly (i.e., about once every three months).

Each luncheon would include a presentation on a topic relating to issues or
challenges currently facing non-profit organizations (such as, e.g., the new
IRS corporate governance guidelines for tax-exempt organizations, methods
for recruiting and motivating volunteers, and techniques for establishing
and promoting planned giving programs for charitable organizations).  In
that way, each luncheon would serve as an educational forum for Gothamites
involved or interested in the non-profit sector.

In addition, a representative of at least one charitable organization will
be invited to make a brief presentation at each luncheon describing the
organization's work and the challenges it is trying to overcome in achieving
that mission.  In order to maintain the integrity of our group, however, no
organization will be permitted to make any fundraising appeal at any of our
events or be permitted to use Gotham's mailing list for any such purpose.

A Charitable/Philanthropic group within the Gotham community could serve as
another wonderful vehicle for Gothamites from varying backgrounds and
careers to connect with fellow members and share our common passion for
promoting the greater good.

If you are interested in participating in such a group, please let me know.
We can proceed with this project only if enough of you are interested in

Your pal,

Chris Lamal
Christopher T. Lamal
Lamal Law Office
1040 Avenue of the Americas
11th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Tel:  212-302-0410
Fax: 646-435-9221

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