[Fredslist] Kona Village-Hawaii

David Stein david at automatic-mail.com
Tue Apr 22 23:38:47 EDT 2008

Everyone should experience it once in their life.

All the Best,

David Stein

	Printing - Mailing - Electronic Marketing Since 1971

On Apr 22, 2008, at 4:58 PM, Fred Klein wrote:

> Queens Chair and fellow Friar David Stein and I do not always agree on
> things, but upon one thing we have complete agreement.  We love Kona
> Village on the Big Island!  As you can see by my earlier email, we are
> returning to Hawaii next year to visit Maui, but we made sure that  
> we spend
> the second half of our vacation at the unique "unplugged (no phones  
> or TV),
> unpretentious (you live in an amazing hut) and unmatched" Kona  
> Village.
> Take a look at their web site at www.konavillage.com and if that is  
> not
> enough ask David Stein who recommended this amazing place to me.  It  
> is on
> the ocean, 15 minutes from the airport, 3 delicious meals a day are
> included in the price and the people who work there are the most  
> amazingly
> caring, nice and smiling people we have ever encountered.  My contact
> person is the wonderfu Cindy Asada who is very friendly, even over  
> email.
> If you have any questions feel free to email her at cindy at konavillage.com 
> .
> Aloha!
> __________________________________
> Fred C. Klein
> Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
> 485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
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> (212) 935-6020
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