[Fredslist] [PROMO] Travelers, Adventurers and Lovers of Life!

Cayce Crown info at thecrownview.com
Fri Apr 18 18:11:59 EDT 2008

I can only tell you that this will change your life in the best way 
Call or email with any questions.


Our trip to Tanzania in November 2005 still lives within us.  We can’t 
tell you how thrilled we are to announce a return.

This time, we’ve negotiated room for more participants, and we would 
love for you to join us.  It’s a once in a lifetime experience that we 
are all too eager to recreate and share with you.

Please visit the website above for the full details.  We’ve decided not 
to overload you here with stories from our travel experience in 2005, 
but there are pictures plus a link to Cayce Crown’s short film on the 
website.  Please contact us directly with any questions you have.  Let 
us just say we’ve never seen such joy in a people as the Maasai of 
Mkuru and these are people who would spend 3-5 hours a day merely 
collecting enough water for basic needs.

Profits from our booking fees from last trip went directly to the Mkuru 
village, which is supported by the NGO Oikos Institute, 
http://www.istituto-oikos.org/eng/home.htm  You’ll be fascinated by the 
Maasai story and how this society is negotiating between the old and 
the new to survive and thrive in a changing world.  We are very proud 
to have helped to support this fascinating and humble people and look 
forward to reconnecting with them.

This is not your typical “wealthy American safari” experience of token 
meet-ups with desperate natives performing like circus animals for 
their audience sandwiched in between endless rounds of seeing animals 
in game parks.  The name of the trip, “Maasai Encounter,” is apt as 
there is daily opportunity to connect with the Maasai villagers.  
Conditions are simple, clean, safe and comfortable.  Participation in 
planned activities is optional in case you need a rest or a “breather” 
from the stimulus offered by a different culture.  We will be traveling 
to an exceptional game park for an overnight and full day of wild game 
viewing.  See the official website for Tarangire at 
http://www.tanzaniaparks.com/tarangire.htm Special food needs will be 
accommodated. With those thoughts in mind, all your needs will be met 
and your expectations surpassed.

Although the number of spots available for booking have expanded from 
last trip, there is still only room for about 15 total, so if you’re 
interested, please book now.  Our fearless leader, Piers Warren (see 
first website above), is booking for our British travel companions as 
well.  We don’t want you to miss this.  The three day camel safari 
extension trip is already booked with a waiting-list.

We are currently working on air travel plans from the U.S., which is a 
bit complicated.  But since the spaces on the Maasai Encounter are 
limited, we didn’t want to delay inviting you just because we haven’t 
settled this part yet.  It’s a very long trip and we’re pushing all 
limits of creativity to make the flights as comfortable and as 
financially reasonable as possible.  If interested in these options as 
they become available, let us know and we’ll contact you as soon as 
deals are firmed.  Those of you who travel coach easily, please make 
your own air plans, making sure you’ll be at Kilimanjaro airport on 
November 16, 2008 by 9:00am to meet up with the rest of the group (see 
first website listed above for details).

See you in Africa!

Cayce Crown 646.232.2474
Sheilagh Weymouth 646.554.0889
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