[Fredslist] Yesterday's Diversity Group Lunch- A Great Success!

Jack Halpern jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com
Wed Oct 31 16:54:45 EDT 2007

Dear Fellow Gothamites:


The Diversity Group under the leadership of Isidro Otis put its best
foot forward yesterday and hosted a very successful networking lunch
at the Friars Club. We had a packed room for lunch.


Besides our regular members we had fourteen guests (eleven new to
Gotham). Our group is an exciting group and growing. I guess the buzz
is out. The camaraderie and relaxed atmosphere was reflected in the
faces of the participants. Our own extraordinary photographer, Teri
Bloom did her spotlight in the form of a dazzling slide show
accompanied by beautiful music, while we ate our main course. Her work
is outstanding. Check it out at www.teribloom.com
<http://www.teribloom.com/> .


Unfortunately, Fred could not make it. He is sunning himself and his
blackberry in Key West.


Riding the circuit were:


Ed Bienstock- Jeweler to the stars (Aren't all Gothamites stars?). Ed
was eating lightly due to the fact that he is running the marathon on
Sunday. It is still not too late to contribute to his run. Ed sat next
to my wife Claudine, who was also a guest and soon will become a
member. She was trying on all of Ed's fabulous pieces. I was trying to
ignore that. I was experiencing pain in my wallet.


Marc Lawrence- Marc is one of the friendliest members of Gotham, and
he brought his own guest. Marc is in Title Insurance.


Loren Gilberg- Loren came to us all the way from the booming
Westchester Group. She is a great Geriatric Care Manager and very much
complements the things that I do.


Other Guests Included:


Two personal injury attorneys

A copyright attorney

A travel agent

Two business consultants

A medical supplies sales person

A wheelchair ramp salesperson

And others


Check out what our great members do at:


Best wishes,



GC-Diversity Group


P.S.  Mark your calendars. Our next meeting is on December 11th, 2007.
See you then.




Jack Halpern




My Elder Advocate 

 <mailto:jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com> jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com
 <http://www.myelderadvocate.com> www.myelderadvocate.com 


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