[Fredslist] Seminar on Nassau Development and Environmental Insurance for Brownfields

savena at gwtlaw.com savena at gwtlaw.com
Mon Oct 22 06:59:04 EDT 2007

 <<Nassau County Bar Assoc CLE Program.pdf>>

There will be an seminar on Nassau County Development and Facilitating
Contaminated Property Transactions with Environmental Insurance this
Thursday evening October 25th at Nassau Bar Association, 5:30 pm - 8:30
pm (15th and West Street, Mineola, NY).   Keynote speakers include
Howard Weitzman, Nassau County Comptroller and Joseph Boren, Chairman
and CEO of AIG Environmental Insurance.  Thereafter, a panel of industry
and legal experts will provide a practical analysis of coverage and
underwriting considerations and will negotiate an environmental
insurance policy for a hypothetical municipal Brownfield Transaction.
Attorneys and non-attorneys are welcome.   See attached for agenda and
faculty.  Sandwiches and soft drinks.

Please RSVP to Barbara Kraut at Nassau Bar at 516-7474464 or
bkraut at nassaubar.org.

Suzanne M. Avena
Garfunkel Wild & Travis, P.C.
111 Great Neck Road
Great Neck, New York 11021
516- 393-2229 Direct Dial
516 - 466-5964 - Fax
savena at gwtlaw.com

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