[Fredslist] Promotion to Excellent Banking Service

Susan Sajiun-Fitzharris ssajiun at ubcins.com
Fri Oct 19 16:58:11 EDT 2007

I triple attest to that!! 

Susan Sajiun-Fitzharris, President
United Benefit Consulting, Inc.
ssajiun at ubcins.com
Phone: (631) 780-3333 ext. 306
Fax: (631) 780-3325

-----Original Message-----
From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com <fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com>
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Sent: Fri Oct 19 16:31:57 2007
Subject: Fw: [Fredslist] Promotion to Excellent Banking Service

Everything in Bob's below email is true!

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
----- Forwarded by Fred Klein/KZRD on 10/19/2007 04:30 PM -----
             "Formica, Robert"                                             
             <Robert.Formica at s                                             
             terlingbancorp.co                                          To 
             m>                        "Fredslist (E-mail)"                
             Sent by:                  <Fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>    
             fredslist-bounces                                          cc 
             .com                                                  Subject 
                                       [Fredslist] Promotion to Excellent  
                                       Banking Service                     
             10/19/2007 08:28                                              

Fred said to me, "Bob, you didn't get the "Networker of the Decade" Award
because of your good looks". I got it because of my dedication and service
to both to my customers and my business associates.

Excellent Service is the Sterling motto.

Since 1929 we have been taking care of our customers' needs with a hands on
approach. We customize our products so that each individual and business
has the tools to bank as they wish.

We can save a company time by providing Remote Deposit. This product allows
a business to make check deposits into their account without leaving the

Certified checks are time consuming. If your company issues certified
checks on a regular basis, we can provide EZ Cert, a dedicated printer in
your office that will produce certified checks without anyone going to the

Loans? We offer Business Lines of Credit, up to $250,000, that are approved
on a scoring basis, without paperwork. Just provide us information about
the business and it's principals. Approval takes about 24 hours.

On-line banking is also available at no cost to the customer. You can
manage all of your accounts, access transactions and wire out funds
directly from your account on a customer friendly website.

There are many other products that we provide.

 For More Information call me at 212 935 4163

or visit our website at www.SterlingNationalBank.com

Fredslist mailing list
Fredslist at gothamnetworking.com

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Fredslist mailing list
Fredslist at gothamnetworking.com

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