[Fredslist] What stays in the van, happens in the van...

The Crown View, Inc. info at thecrownview.com
Thu Oct 11 16:03:36 EDT 2007

Magic Van or The Traveling Fredburys

Yesterday I managed to spend two and a half hours in an old van with  
bad a/c, often stuck in traffic. It was a WONDERFUL time. I was on my  
way to New Haven, CT for their first annual Gotham Cocktail Party. My  
dynamic and esteemed cohorts in this: Fred, Mitch, Ester Horowitz,  
Jack Halpern and our own designated driver, “Wavy Gravy” Bienstock  
made the trip memorable.

As if it wasn’t strange enough to be voluntarily going to New Haven,  
I met up with my merry networksters in QUEENS. Thank God my passport  
was up to date. We started out as the professionals we usually  
pretend to be, but it wasn’t long before we were passionately  
discussing presidential votes, levels of Judaism, and pot smoking.  
Let’s just say it was anywhere from 2 days to 27 years since last  
inhale (try to match up the lengths of time with the participants:  
win a t-shirt.) At least we don’t have a “chaw” on the golf  
course, right, GS? Wait a minute; you NEVER discuss politics,  
religion or drugs in a business networking setting! Welcome to  
Gotham, where a woman’s reach will exceed her grasp, where nothing  
is sacred, and obstacles are opportunities. Suffice it to say, it  
wasn’t long before we were all singing “Got to get you into my  
life” along with Paul McCartney, could be the flip side of the  
Gotham Anthem 45. If anything can get Paul and Heather to stop  
fighting, it would be FredsList.

We finally arrived in New Haven. Didn’t notice we were over 20  
minutes late. We brought our high-energy love fest into member, Ed  
Natera’s, restaurant, CashBar ...oops, I mean SideBar. We weren’t  
in Manhattan anymore. Greeted warmly by group founder, Marc Halpert,  
we dispersed among the New Havenians. We talked, we ate, we bonded.  
We showed them the infamous Anthem video (you do look good, Jack!)  
Fred gave away some T shirts and cufflinks and then, it was karaoke  
time! Fred actually managed to find “Got to get you into my life”  
on the massive sing-along list. Kismet. As our farewell, the New  
Yorkers outdid their own earlier rendition to much applause and  
kudos. I would be remiss in my reporting if I didn’t give a shout  
out to some of the special Gotham members we attached ourselves to in  
CT: Marc, Ed N., the Sharons, Ellin and Nancy Jo who went out of  
their way to make us feel welcome (right, Fred?).

I’d love to tell you all about the trip back to NYC (humpor/humpee  
and porky) but I’d have to kill you.

PS- Mitch is Meatloaf.

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