[Fredslist] Gothamite Anthony Belov ( in yesterday's NY Times) Needs a Coffin

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Mon Oct 8 09:36:58 EDT 2007

Please see below and try to come through for a fellow Gothamite who is
dieing to get a coffin!

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
----- Forwarded by Fred Klein/KZRD on 10/08/2007 09:32 AM -----
             Anthony Bellov                                                
             <anthonybellov at ho                                             
             tmail.com>                                                 To 
             10/08/2007 09:27                                           cc 
                                       Anthony in yesterday's NY Times     

Life continues in its usual insanity - - -

Use the following link (i just tested it and it worked, so keep trying if
it doesn't open the first time) and see what I mean. Please spread this
around - - the more people who see it the more likely something good will
come of it.



Principle Partner,
Anthony Bellov Video Productions
865 West End Avenue
New York, NY 10025
212 663-6748

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