[Fredslist] FYI ... Forwarding "See Al Gore in New York"

Susan Spelman ss at spelmanstrategic.com
Mon May 21 09:51:30 EDT 2007

Good morning, Gotham ...

For all you Al Gore fans .... He's coming our way ...  Promoting  
another book ....  This Thursday evening at the 92nd Street Y ... and  
Friday at 12:30 at the Barnes & Noble on Union Square.

And, in case you missed it ... A good article by James Traub in  
yesterday's New York Times Magazine.

I can't go to either.  Those who go, I'd love to hear about it ...


Susan Spelman

Spelman Strategic Communications

voice		212 475-3653
mobile	646 554-6828
fax 		212 475-6905

ss at spelmanstrategic.com

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "AlGore.com" <info at algore.com>
> Date: May 18, 2007 7:02:00 PM EDT
> To: ss at spelmanstrategic.com
> Subject: See Al Gore in New York
> Reply-To: info at algore.com
> Dear Susan,
> On Thursday and Friday, Al Gore will be in New York to speak about  
> his new book, The Assault on Reason. Thursday's event will take  
> place at the 92nd Street Y, and Friday's will take place at Barnes  
> and Noble on East 17th Street.
> Event: On stage interview with Charlie Rose/ Book signing
> Where: 92nd Street Y, Kaufmann Concert Hall, 1395 Lexington Ave.  
> New York, NY 10128
> Date: May 24th
> To purchase tickets please visit: http://www.92y.org/shop/ 
> event_detail.asp?productid=T%2DLC5SE19
> Event: Al Gore Book Signing
> Where: Barnes & Noble, 33 East 17th St. New York, NY 10003
> Date: May 25th
> Time: 12:30 PM (Be sure to arrive early)
> For more information please call 212-253-0810.
> Thank you,
> The AlGore.com Team
> You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. View our Privacy  
> Policy

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