[Fredslist] Innovative WebPlay program for NYC School children

Gail Koelln gkgrantwriting at verizon.net
Fri Jun 22 14:37:37 EDT 2007

Fellow Gothamites,


The note below is from my sister, Elana Goldstein, who is very involved with
WebPlay over a number of years.  I have seen many aspects of it and agree it
is a wonderful program for NYC school children.  If you have any affiliation
with a NYC elementary or high school that might be interested, take a look
and contact Elana (WebPlay's web address is www.webplay.org
<http://www.webplay.org/> ).


Best wishes,



Hello- my name is Elana Goldstein, and we were introduced last Wednesday at
the Friar's Club Art Event. My sister is Gail Koelln. I am emailing you
about a program that I am involved in called Webplay. One of your fellow
Gotham members thought that you might be interested in hearing about it.


WebPlay has four phases. In phase one we teach our students (usually 4th or
5th grade) how to make their own webpage on a free internet portal called
think.com. It is sponsored by the Oracle Corporation. Students study their
own city (in our case NY) and create a webpage with information about the
city as well.  In phase two we are paired up with a class of students in
England- they communicate via think.com. Our kids teach them about NYC, and
they teach us about their city. We have been paired in the past with
students in London, Birmingham, and Sussex. In phase three a professional
theater company joins our online conversation. Students learn about live
theater, and what are they components of writing and putting on a play. The
theater company then performs a play for the students in England. The
theater company then flies to New York, and performs the same play for our
students.  For many of our students this is their first experience with live
theater. In phase four the students work in groups to write and perform 2-3
minute plays that our set in our partner city. The plays are videotaped, and
uploaded onto think.com. We get to watch our partner class's plays, and they
get to see ours.


I work as a technology staff developer in 2 elementary schools in Flushing,
Queens. In my opinion, WebPlay is the most creative use of the Internet that
I have seen for elementary school students so far. I thought it could be
interesting to also involve high school students in this project. If you are
interested in finding out more about this program you can email me at
egoldst at schools.nyc.gov.


Thank you for your time!


Elana Goldstein

Technology Staff Developer

PS 20Q, PS 22Q



Gail Koelln


GK Grant Writing

82-52 211 Street

Hollis Hills, NY 11427

phone (718) 776-7284

fax (718) 776-9806

email gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com or gkgrantwriting at verizon.net



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