[Fredslist] Fw: the gotham prague connection

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Thu Jun 21 07:54:33 EDT 2007

Please see the below from Stephen Kines, my Cocktail Party guest. 

Sent via BlackBerry from EarthLink Wireless.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Stephen Kines" <stephen.kines at kines.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 05:14:44 
To:<fklein at legal.org>
Subject: the gotham prague connection

thank-you very much for the invitation and warm welcome. i will wear my honourary gotham networking club member pin with pride to my meeting at bloomberg tomorrow. i would invite your members to stop into the kines helipad offices in the center of prague for a coffee when they are in town

some of the members were not clear about what i was interested in so i will try and keep it short and simple: i am in the US for one week and will return again in july to sell a technology company called newstin.com. we have received some expressions of interest from google, CNN and bloomberg as well as the intelligence community but we want to socialise it with a wider audience of media companies that have a significant web presence. any introductions to these kinds of companies at the level of their corporate development/strategy/m&a would help

i have attached detailed info in the teaser but in short newstin displays all the news from the web based on your topic selection, including translations of all foreign language sources - it is the only one of its kind to do so currently. in the right hands it can be an extremely powerful tool in building communities and ideally we would like to see it being offered for free on an advertising-supported model

after all these travels i will need to spend some time reconnecting with my family and will have to rent for the third time your key west house...

the list of potential bidders include:
dow jones
in-q-tel (homeland security's commercial arm)
dun and bradsheet

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Klein [mailto:fklein at legal.org]
Sent: Wed 20.6.2007 0:23
To: Freds List
Cc: Stephen Kines
Subject: Fw: breakfast in NYC
Stephen will be my guest tomorrow night at the cocktail party. He is an important communications attorney from Prague. He is here on an important and interesting mission which is described below. I have told him of our networking prowess and would appreciate your making it come true. This is big!
Sent via BlackBerry from EarthLink Wireless.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Stephen Kines" <stephen.kines at kines.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 23:48:28 
To:"Fred Klein" <fklein at kleinzelman.com>
Subject: RE: breakfast in NYC

www.kines.com is a telecom/media/technology boutique law firm serving central and eastern europe and based in prague. it has been consistently rated number one in all major directories. stephen kines is rated one of the top 25 TMT lawyers in the world by euromoney. its major clients include microsoft (in 19 CEE jurisidctions), disney, vodafone, t-mobile
 i will be in new york tomorrow with the founder of newstin.com, the only cross-language news engine in the world that has a similar functionality as google news but is able to deliver in the user's native tongue the news from the entire web from whatever language thus having huge potential to build up truly global communities. we will be in new york and california over the course of this week and next to meet with potential bidders and would welcome anyone who would be able to put us in front of the decision makers in the corp dev/m&a departments of the major news publishers that have some kind of interactive presence (newscorp, CBS, ABC, NBC, timewarner/CNN, bloomberg, lexis/nexis, dow jones, etc.)
 thanks fred
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Fred Klein [mailto:fklein at kleinzelman.com: <mailto:fklein at kleinzelman.com> ]
 Sent: Tue 19.6.2007 23:13
 To: Stephen Kines
 Subject: RE: breakfast in NYC
 Please write a slightly more detailed email for me to pass on to our 500
 members starting with a description of your practice and location.  I will
 put it on our list serve.  Glad to have you.
 Fred C. Klein
 Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
 485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
 New York, NY 10022
 (212) 935-6020
 fklein at legal.org
 http://www.kleinzelman.com: <http://www.kleinzelman.com> 
 http://www.gothamnetworking.com: <http://www.gothamnetworking.com> 
              "Stephen Kines"                                              
              <stephen.kines at ki                                            
              nes.com>                                                   To
                                        "Fred Klein"                       
              06/19/2007 05:06          <fklein at kleinzelman.com>           
              PM                                                         cc
                                        RE: breakfast in NYC               
 yes that would be helpful. i will come tomorrow evening
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Fred Klein [mailto:fklein at kleinzelman.com: <mailto:fklein at kleinzelman.com> ]
 Sent: Tue 19.6.2007 23:01
 To: Stephen Kines
 Subject: Re: breakfast in NYC
 I could try to get you connections through my network group if you would
 Fred C. Klein
 Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
 485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
 New York, NY 10022
 (212) 935-6020
 fklein at legal.org
 http://www.kleinzelman.com: <http://www.kleinzelman.com> 
 http://www.gothamnetworking.com: <http://www.gothamnetworking.com> 
              stephen kines
              <stephen.kines at ki
              nes.com>                                                   To
                                        Fred Klein <fklein at legal.org>
              06/19/2007 01:14                                           cc
                                        breakfast in NYC
 leave for NYC tmrw and will be there in the aft. do you have time for
 dinner tmrw or bkfst thurs?
 am in talks with a big american firm right now that want to merge with us -
 would be good to hear your views
 but i am in NYC to talk with potential bidders for newstin.com (see
 attached invite). am heading then to silicon valley. in case you have any
 good contacts to the major media houses (CBS, ABC, NBC, Timewarner,
 NewsCorp, Lexis/Nexis, Bloomberg, AP) we are trying to set up meetings with
 them as well as the usual tech suspects (google, microsoft, yahoo, ebay)
 my number is 011 420 777 738 043 [attachment "projectbabel_invite.pdf"
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