Fwd: [Fredslist] Jersey based sales team needs Manhattan desk space ...

Susan Spelman ss at spelmanstrategic.com
Wed Jun 20 10:08:08 EDT 2007

> Resending because I had the wrong email address for him. ... Sorry.
> I'd really like to help my friend.
> Lots of flexibility ...
> Here are the basics:
> A Jersey-based company has a few salespeople who need deskspace in  
> Manhattan ...
> 	•  It could be one big room or two.
> 	•  Could be in a larger suite, or on its own.
> 	•  Sublet or lease.
> 	•  Anticipated space need:  no more than 400 sf needed; less  
> could do it
> 	•  One desk would be adequate, two OK.  Down and dirty OK.  (Part  
> of the space has to accommodate some of the company's hardware.)
> 	•  The room(s) need to offer exclusive access (in other words,  
> have locks).
> 	•  Priority: 5 minute walk from a subway station.  Midtown would  
> be terrific, but Murray Hill,  Soho, Varick, Flatiron, downtown OK ...
> Would prefer to avoid a fee, if possible ....
> First venture into Manhattan real estate,
> Hopeful.
> Thanks in advance to all of you ...
> Please respond directly to Larry (a very good guy) ....
> Lawrence G. Visotsky
> Senior Account Executive
> Tech Man Inc. (TMI)
> 63 Ramapo Valley Road
> Suite 213
> Mahwah, NJ 07430
> (T) 201.529.1500 extension 104
> (F) 201.529.1552
> (C) 201.694.1730
> www.techmaninc.net  ... lvisotsky at techmaninc.net
> Susan Spelman
> Spelman Strategic Communications
> voice		212 475-3653
> mobile	646 554-6828
> fax 		212 475-6905
> ss at spelmanstrategic.com
> www.spelmanstrategic.com
> Fredslist mailing list
> Fredslist at gothamnetworking.com


Susan Spelman

Spelman Strategic Communications

voice		212 475-3653
mobile	646 554-6828
fax 		212 475-6905

ss at spelmanstrategic.com

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