[Fredslist] Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gotham - Learn at Orientation On June 20

Nancy Schess nschess at kleinzelman.com
Tue Jun 19 10:06:09 EDT 2007

Gotham Works - if you work it! Join us at orientation on June 20 at 4:30
and learn:

      The history of Gotham and the evolution of our mantra "It is better
      to give than receive but what goes around comes around."
      Riding the Circuit - How to do it and why
      How to market yourself to all of Gotham
      The power of the web site to find members, contact information,
      search by industry for the help you need or locate an upcoming
      meeting or event
      Everything you wanted to know about Fredslist
      What social events Gotham hosts and why you should attend
      And lots more…

 We’ll also answer all of your Gotham questions.

So, please join me, Debbie Lindner (Executive Director Extraordinare) and
Mitch Tobol (Our Unmatched Webmaster) for Gotham's New Member Orientation
on Wednesday, June 20th at 4:30 p.m.    The “orientation” will not be at
The Friars Club.  It is held at our offices.  Here is the address: 485
Madison Ave., 15th Floor

If you would like to join us for Orientation, please RSVP to me at
nschess at kleinzelman.com so we can make sure there is a seat for everyone!
[If you have already responded, no need to reply again. We have reserved a
seat for you.]

Nancy B. Schess, Esq.
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue - 15th Floor
New York, New York 10022
Tel: (212) 935-6020 x219
Fax: (212) 753-8101
nschess at kleinzelman.com
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