[Fredslist] Anthony Bellov at the Merchant's House - Tuesday evening

Anthony Bellov anthonybellov at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 13 00:19:27 EST 2007

A number of people have contacted me concerning the event planned for this 
evening and the possibility of snowfall.

I'm confirming that the Merchant's House Museum indeed plans to present it's 
screening of The Heiress starring Olivia de Havilland and Montgomery Clift, 
this evening (Tuesday, Feb 13th). Reception at 6:00. Brief presentation 
about the relationship and the Museum at 6:30. Everything should be over by 
8:45 and the streets should be lovely with a dusting of snow.

Hope you can make it. Go to www.MerchantsHouse.org or call 212 777-1089 for 
more info.

Anthony Bellov Video Productions

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