[Fredslist] Dophin, life-size-fibreglass to donate

Siegel, RitaSue ritasue at ritasue.com
Sat Aug 25 16:41:06 EDT 2007

I have an 8+ foot long, about 3 ½ feet thick exact replica of a dolphin.  I used to have it hanging in my office.  My office has moved and there is no place for it.  I had another one which I donated to a children's museum in Columbia, South Carolina.  I have the month of September to remove it from the old office and will then probably have to throw it out.
Does anyone have a connection with the NY Aquarium of a children's museum in New York that might be interested?  It is in almost perfect condition.  I bought it from the folks who made dolphins and all other kinds of sea mammals and fishes that hang from the ceiling at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium in California, my favorite.
It is very beautiful, if you love dolphins.
RitaSue Siegel, IDSA, AIGA, DMI, IIDA, AIA
R i t a S u e  S i e g e l  R e s o u r c e s
an Aquent company
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