[Fredslist] Re: auto mechanic laws/ethics-Answers

IrisWolinsky at aol.com IrisWolinsky at aol.com
Thu Aug 16 23:22:28 EDT 2007

Someone asked me to share what I found out.  
  I got just one reply and then learned some more on my  own.  Both follow:   
Reply:  "Not sure of  the answers to either question but when faced with 
stuff like this, i would  recommend that you contact the State AG Consumer Frauds 
Bureau and Dept of  Taxation and Finance for answers.  They are the source and 
may very well  have the answers to your questions posted on their FAQ's.
FYI - the State Consumer Frauds bureau  is based downtown at 120 Broadway on 
the 8th Fl. - (212) 416-8240.
State Tax Enforcement (who is probably the  best division to put your 
question to) can be reached at (212)  457-9692."
   I've not called these numbers  yet because it was after 5 pm when I got 
 Further Info:    Another mechanic I spoke to about the  whole situation 
confirmed they are required to charge tax on labor per NY  State law.  He also 
said the customer should be told in advance of any  charges to diagnose a 
problem, but indicated there can be a gray area if you  haven't signed anything, 
because these conversations and authorizations can  take place over the phone.    

In my case I'd had car towed in and told them by phone I was  having a clutch 
problem; they never advised of fee for  labor to check it out.
   In the end I'm having them do the 20% portion which  they're fine with, 
with their caveat the other 80% may also be needed and I  could get shut down on 
the road, but they understand my approach since  the rest may be fine.  I was 
advised not to drive too far (like over 100  miles away) over the next few 
weeks to see how it goes; between the  lines I read there's a good chance all 
else is fine and if not it  would show up sooner rather than later.   
    I decided not to dispute the check out fee for  various reasons, one of 
which was we were all in the dark until this morning as  to whether any of this 
work was done by the prior owner, and if not it was  definitely time to do 
it, and we spent a lot of time this week analyzing it  all. 
   Hope that helps.

Iris Wolinsky
Attorney Arbitrator Mediator
227 Riverside  Drive
New York, NY 10025
(212) 865-0505 Tel & Fax
(917) 716-7690  Cell
iriswolinsky at aol.com

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