[Fredslist] Need anecodotes

Ester Horowitz m2powerinc at bigplanet.com
Mon Aug 6 12:00:19 EDT 2007

Dear Gotham members

I just completed a draft white paper  tentatively titled "The Small Business Trap": Proven Escape Strategies for Business Owners

First I welcome input about the title and if anyone can offer something better.

Second I am looking to include anecdotes from Gothamites that prove a strategy highlighted in the article so that it can also promote your business.  I can forward a list to select one or two if interested by email.  Thanks


Warmest Regards
Ester Horowitz
516 409-0849  Phone
888 609-6828  Fax

"Some men see things as they are and say why?
I see things that never were and say why not?"
-George Bernard Shaw-

Member of MGMA, HFMA, & Gotham Networking
Certified Management Counselor for Maestro Business Academy
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