[Fredslist] Ruth at 10/10 Optics!

Phyllis E. Dubrow pdubrow at pipeline.com
Wed Jun 14 23:39:16 EDT 2006

Here's the one phrase that I hear most often in an elevator -- and parties:

I REAlly like your glasses!

(You can see them on me on the Gotham website.)

Recommended to me by Ruth Domber at 10/10 Optics, who I now find is a
Gohamite (because of her recent post, asking for about an awning for her and
Dr. Stephen Rozenberg's new location on 26th & Madison).

The pair before these were completely different but evoked the same comment.
Also picked out for me by Ruth.  

So:  I heartily commend her to everyone else on Fred's list.  

And once again express my eternal gratitude.  Thanks, Ruth!

Phyllis E. Dubrow
Attorney at Law
230 Park Avenue, Suite 2525
New York NY  10169
t: (212) 661-2885
pdubrow at pipeline.com

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