[Fredslist] Inter-Generational Tip - Cross-Over Reporting Relationships - January 2006

Phyllis Weiss Haserot pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com
Fri Jan 13 13:05:47 EST 2006

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Phyllis Weiss Haserot's



January 2006



Younger managers and older workers

This phenomenon started to be noticeable with the dot-com company culture. Now it is becoming more common as baby boomers want to stay on or their expertise and institutional knowledge is in demand. How to handle theses reverse reporting or interviewing relationships?


Tips for the older job candidate or team member:


Ø      Aim to come across as confident but manageable and a team player.


Ø      Don't dwell on early work experiences, "paying dues," or how things used to be done.


Ø      Be aware of short attention spans and don't go into extensive detail unless asked. A "conscientious" style person of any age may want to know all the "whys" and details; others may only want the highlights and big picture.


Ø      Be careful of assumed expectations"

-         Manners may not be polished. But keep cool and calm

-         Younger people may not recognize formerly prominent companies' names or cultural references

-         Be flexible

-         Even if younger interviewers (for a job or with a client) are not the ultimate decision-makers, their opinion of you can hold a lot of weight


Ø      Be sensitive to a younger manager's insecurities. Be reassuring, non-threatening and direct.


As an institutional solution to difficulty in communications between older and younger generations, give training to everyone together on personal behavioral style, listening styles and skills, and work expectations.


Each generation needs to come to their cross-over working relationships with as few pre-conceived notions about older or younger people as they can sweep their minds of.  People are people, and they could have more in common with those of similar behavioral styles but different ages than they think if they come to the situation with an open mind.


© Phyllis Weiss Haserot, 2006. All rights reserved.


I welcome your comments.





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Phyllis Weiss Haserot
Practice Development Counsel
Consulting/Coach to the Next Generation
Creator of *Next Generation, Next Destination* and *The Flexible Firm*

Voice: 212-593-1549
Fax: 212-980-7940
pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com 
please visit: www.pdcounsel.com 

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