[Fredslist] Fix for Windows WMF Vulnerability

David M. Bishop dmbishop at bbsi.com
Wed Jan 4 22:45:39 EST 2006

Hi Gothamites,
I have made available on our website a third-party fix for the very
widespread WMF problem.  It is not sanctioned by Microsoft, but it works and
it's available now (Microsoft should have a fix out around the 10th).  It
has been tested and certified by a number of professional security and
anti-virus companies, and I have personally tested it on a dozen or so
Windows XP computers with no ill effects.
To get the fix, go to http://www.bbsi.com and look in the green box at the
top of the main page.  By the way, I second (or is it third) Raj's excellent
advice from his previous post.

Oh, and be aware that on January 6th, we should see the second coming of the
Sober virus that made the rounds a few months ago.  Please be careful
opening e-mails and remember that the CIA would not waste their time sending
you a personal e-mail to tell you that they know that you have been looking
at naughty websites.  Also keep your anti-virus updated (I highly recommend

David M. Bishop
Bishop Business Solutions, Inc.
293 Fendale Street
Franklin Square, NY 11010-3407
(516) 483-7000 (office)
(516) 505-8358 (fax)
"Helping your business work more efficiently!"

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