[Fredslist] Looking for venue for a seminar

John Gonzalez jcgonzalezemail at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 27 16:35:47 EDT 2005

Dear Gotham:
Can someone advise if they have access to or can recommend a professional/convenient venue to give a seminar in NY City mid-town area.  Would need some catering and access to high tech audivisual services.  It would be a half day event (1pm to 5pm) for between 35 to 50 individuals.  
Thank you,
John G.

John C. Gonzalez
New American Partners, LLC
Wealth & Risk Management
530 Fifth Avenue, 14th Fl
New York, NY 10036
Tel:  212.642.4816
Fax: 646.619.4522
jcgonzalez at finsvcs.com

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