[Fredslist] Client is seeking financing: can anyone help?

Kaufman, Monica (ELKINS PARK, PA) Monica_Kaufman at ml.com
Mon Oct 31 09:34:42 EST 2005

A client is seeking financing for a new business venture: if anyone can
help it would be greatly appreciated. 
EAGLEAERO  is a newly formed corporation which holds the licensing
and/or proprietary contract, with regard to the manufacture and
distribution of the Windecker Eagle, an FAA certified high-performance,
single propeller, variable pitch, piston engine, retractable gear
aircraft. It is the only airplane in its market niche. The Eagle is
faster, carries more load, requires less maintenance and is made of a
durable fiberglass composite. Its approximate retail sales price is
between $350,000 and $400,000 per plane and is a prime product for
mid-level executive aircraft. EAGLEAERO has the sole long-term licensing
and/or the proprietary control for the manufacture and distribution of
said product.. 
There are no other high-performance, single propeller, variable pitch,
piston engine, retractable gear aircraft. certified by the FAA.
Type certificate is worth: $60 million 
Looking for $25 million
Please contact Ken at 215-635-5250 if interested

Monica Kaufman
Financial Advisor
Merrill Lynch
215 517 2211
215 517 2279 (fax)
610 209 1425 (cell) 

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