[Fredslist] Your Voice is like a fingerprint

Brown, Wendy (The Park Avenue Office, NY) wendy_s_brown at ml.com
Thu Oct 27 11:32:39 EDT 2005

As a Gotham member, we all speak at the meetings. 
If you ever feel your voice doesn't sound the way you like, or you would
like to rid yourself of an accent, Lynn Singer is a voice coach who
works with actors but also individuals looking to improve their vocal
Please read her bio, and feel free to contact her directly

Your Voice is like a fingerprint - Use it to make a lasting impression. 

I clearly remember when my own voice - and what it is that makes any
voice strong, powerful and beautiful - opened up for me - "It changed my
life" . 

As I began to work professionally, I was constantly being pulled aside
and asked " Can you teach me to use my voice?" I didn't plan to pioneer,
but the techniques were unlike any currently being taught. Over the
years, I have learned how to teach others the power of voice as a
physical expression of psyche and spirit.  And to achieve life-altering

Everyone is capable of brilliance. Everyone is capable of mesmerizing,
at the podium, in a meeting on stage or anywhere. 

Call or email for a consultation.

Clients include: Merrill Lynch, Yale University, New Schold for Social
Research, Diamond Promotion Center at J. Walter Thompson, Media, Film
and Stage Celebrities 


Lynn Singer's Voiceworks  

t.  212-242-3297 

e. lgsvoice at earthlink.net <mailto:lgsvoice at earthlink.net> 

www.lsvoiceworks.net <http://www.lsvoiceworks.net> 

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