[Fredslist] A Thanks From Branch Services

Paul P.Napolitano at BranchServicesInc.com
Fri Oct 21 12:28:14 EDT 2005

Thank you all for your great posts regarding my company! Nobody wants to think about fires, floods, asbestos, mold or oil spills affecting their home or business. But rest assured if you or your clients need us quick when your " nightmare" strikes, we'll be there to get you back in business.

We also do reconstruction, lead paint removal, hazardous pest waste (bird/raccoon) remediation and expert witness testimony. Most of our work is covered by insurance policies and the majority of our work is derived from insurance companies.

Glad we could help some of you affected by the storm and thanks for your great referrals. Gotham Rocks!

Paul Napolitano
Branch Services
Paul Napolitano
Vice President
Branch Services

Cell 516 807 9512
Office 631 563 7300 ext 12
Fax 631 563 7389

Via BlackBerry

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