[Fredslist] Allementary Health Tips - fitness

Lawrence Jackson-Rosen inquire at rosenhealth.com
Fri Oct 21 10:57:10 EDT 2005

Building and maintaining good health means having balance in several areas:
The food we eat, our relationships, our careers, our home environment, our
spiritual practice, and our physical activity.  To have imbalance in any
area will result in negative physical symptoms.


Everyone is different.  The combination of foods that work best for me may
not be optimal for you.  Likewise, the kind of physical exercise that helps
me stay at my highest level of health may differ from that which best suits
your needs.


It's important to find expert advice to develop an exercise regimen that
fits you.  I know a number of wonderful fitness trainers whom I would be
pleased to recommend.  To day, I especially want to profile an outstanding
personal trainer, Eddie Acosta.  Eddie will work with individuals in their
home or at a gym, or outdoors in a park.  He teaches a number of innovative,
highly effective techniques, many of which require no special equipment.  He
uses many exercises that rely on the body's own weight.  He teaches compound
exercises that recruit many muscles, so that a short session of two or three
exercises accomplishes a lot.  But above and beyond Eddie's innovation and
expertise, he is one of the most sincere and caring people I know.  He is
very thorough with every client, tailoring his instructions to their
individual needs.  The personal attention and concern he gives to each
individual is unsurpassed.


If you are ready to begin a new exercise regimen, or want to take your
current activity to a higher level, give Eddie a call at 917.623.6644.  Tell
him I sent you.


Have a healthy and happy weekend.  Be well!!!

Lawrence Jackson-Rosen

Holistic Health Counselor

Allementary Health




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