[Fredslist] Health Tips: Flu

Lawrence Jackson-Rosen inquire at rosenhealth.com
Fri Oct 14 11:53:32 EDT 2005

Allementary Health Tips :    Flu


Again this year there has been much news coverage about influenza.  This has
caused concern among those who believe that yearly vaccination is the only
way to avoid getting sick.  Here's another perspective:


There are many strains of influenza virus.  Each year the pharmaceutical
industry prepares a vaccine intended to immunize a certain percentage of
those who receive it from falling ill from the particular strain of
influenza which they expect will be the most dominant that year.  Some folks
will get ill from the vaccination, some will not be affected by it one way
or another, and some will be protected from getting ill (from the targeted
strain).  Some people will come down with other strains of the flu, while
others do not-the shot will not protect anyone against other strains of flu.


We are constantly exposed to many viruses and bacteria all the time.  We
have more microbes in our bodies than we have cells of our own.  Yet, most
of us, most of the time, are not sick.  Exposure to a particular microbe is
not the only factor involved in determining whether or not we get sick; if
it were we'd all be dead from multiple infections.  The best way to avoid
the flu, and other illnesses, is to maintain a strong immune system.


Here are some things you can do, with or without a flu shot, to say well:


1.	Get enough sleep-for most people that's about 8 hours every night.
If that doesn't fit into your schedule, then change your schedule.
2.	Drink enough water-for most people that means about eight 8-oz.
glasses per day, between meals.  Coffee and soda are not water.
3.	Eat nourishing foods-a breakfast with complex carbs, and during the
day plenty of green vegetables and seasonal fruits & roots, healthy proteins
& fats.
4.	Deal constructively with stress.  Stress is one of the primary
causes of all disease.  Join a gym, hire a therapist, change jobs-do what
you have to do, but don't hold it in and don't take it out on those around
you (what goes around comes around).
5.	Exercise-for digestion, for sleep, for clear thinking, for the
immune system, etc.-humans were designed to be in motion.  At least take
regular walks, but regular cardio and strengthening exercise is what we
really need.
6.	Laugh-read a funny book, rent a funny movie, watch Comedy Central,
hang out with funny people.  Laughter induces the production of chemicals in
the body which strengthen immunity and speed healing.
7.	Supplement-if you know which vitamins and minerals are appropriate
for your individual needs, and you can be certain of the quality of the
products you purchase.


Even the most dedicated health nuts among us sometimes fall ill, but if you
follow the tips listed above, you'll be sick less often, less intensely, and
for shorter durations, and your healthy periods will be at a higher level.


If you are interested in individualized, effective health counseling, email,
or call me at 212.989.5109 for a free initial consultation.  I also offer
testing for supplemental needs and food allergies, in addition to Reiki and
therapeutic bodywork.  Stay well!




Lawrence Jackson-Rosen

Holistic Health Counselor

Allementary Health




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