[Fredslist] E-Tactics Letter - For E-Mail Marketing, What's the Best Day?

Sarah Stambler sarah at e-tactics.com
Fri Oct 7 10:05:08 EDT 2005

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Sarah Stambler's E-Tactics(r)  Letter
October, 2005
Volume 14, Issue 8

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In This Issue
For E-Marketing, What's the Best Day?
Firms Lack Follow-Through On SEO Recommendations: Study
The Unforlding World of RSS Adverstising
Useful Site: Web Free Lookups


Dear Sarah Stambler,

Here's some research and forecasting info this month that should help guide you plan email drops and re-think your search engine consulting choices. 

Also, RSS is the new hot horizon so I've linked you through to one of the best articles I've found that will explain to you why you have to watch this new medium.  Looks intensely targeted!!

Lastly, the free look up database is amazingly fun to query.  I even found out  how many people live in my zip code and are my exact age.

If this is your holiday, as it is mine, I wish you a happy and healthy and prosperous New Year.

Sarah Stambler
Media Chief


For E-Mail Marketing, What's the Best Day? 

Monday has been thought to be the optimum day for commercial e-mail messages, but a new study says that might not be so. 

Last year, two separate studies found that Monday was probably the best day to send commercial e-mail. Return Path found that e-mails sent on Monday had delivery rates markedly above average. The delivery rate on Friday was slightly below average, while the Saturday and Sunday rates were significantly below. Saturday was the worst day to send an e-mail in terms of delivery rate. 

Another study, this one conducted by eROI, suggested that not only delivery rates, but also open and clickthrough rates were better on Mondays. 

But a new report by ExactTarget asserts that there is no "best day" to send commercial e-mails. If anything, the latter part of the week may be better. According to ExactTarget data, over 97% of campaigns are sent Monday through Friday. Wednesday is the peak day. 

However, ExactTarget points out that the "best days for opens are not necessarily the best for clicks." In fact, the researcher found inconsistencies between the best day for opens and the best day for clicks, and that marketers need to make the distinction. Maximizing open rates is important for brand exposure, while generating clicks is the key if the goal is conversion. 

The report found: 

*    Wednesday Through Friday Maximize Opens. Starting in July 2004, the best days for maximizing open rates shifted to later in the work week. For the July through November period, Friday performed the best, but it was less than 0.5% ahead of Wednesday and Thursday in average open rate. 
*    Weekends Rule for Generating Clicks. Weekend results are mixed, with open rates performing slightly below average, but Sunday and Saturday yield the highest click-through rates. With less competition in the inbox on weekends, people who open your email have more time to actually read and respond to your message. 

*    No matter what day it is, the best day for the industry to e-mail may not be the best day for your particular marketing goals. 

(Emarketer.com, September 27, 2005)


Firms Lack Follow-Through On SEO Recommendations: Study

Marketers may seek outside advice on search engine optimization, but there's a fair chance those suggestions won't be implemented without some kicking and screaming. Nearly two-thirds of organizations that outsource their SEO activities don't implement the recommended changes to their Web sites, according to a study from iProspect. 

Respondents cited lack of human resources and lack of budget as the most frequent reasons for lack of follow-through. Nearly half said they initially underestimate the resources needed for making the changes to their sites. 

Other reasons cited for not carrying through on site changes include timing and frequency of update issues; upper management decisions not to implement the changes; the recommending agency's failure to prioritize specific recommendations; unpredictable ROI; branding issues; or that the predicted ROI did not justify making the changes. 

"Companies who are unable to implement their vendor's recommendations or who cannot muster the organizational commitment to act on their SEO firm's recommendations are, in effect, committing to fail," said Robert Murray, president of iProspect, in a statement. "The site changes an SEO firm recommends are not tremendously difficult to implement, and the resulting visibility, traffic and conversions are often significant...Marketers must build solid organizational commitment not just in the marketing group, but in the IT group, to the search engine marketing campaign before engaging an SEO firm." 

The study was conducted among 636 search engine marketers and 224 search engine marketing agencies

(Direct Newsline  September 28, 2005)


The Unfolding World of RSS Advertising 

While it may not supplant Web browsing and e-mail newsletters on the majority of desktops, RSS offers significant utility for both Web publishers and end users. In the clearest sign that the service has arrived, Microsoft plans to incorporate RSS functionality in the next generation of its Windows operating system. - More..


(Online Media Daily  September 27)


Useful Site



This site  doesn't promote itself as a market research site, but you could definitely use it that way. This site allows you to look up information about U.S. locations for free from 30 databases. To give an example, you can type in a U.S. ZIP code and get information such as population percentages by age, race, and sex; average house price; personal income; recent home sale prices; labor statistics; climate; public school information; political campaign contributions; and that's just one database! Other databases will tell you businesses in the ZIP code by SIC code, the nearest radio and TV stations, and income tax statistics, to name just a few. You can also look up Canadian addresses. There's a daily limit on how many lookups you can do, but you can raise the limit by registering (it's free).

(Posted in the www.FITA.org  newsletter  September 28, 2005 issue)


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Phone: (212) 222-1713

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The E-TACTICS LETTER, (ISSN 1542-2623) is published 12 times a year by E-Tactics, Inc. an electronic marketing and publishing firm established in 1984 that specializes in the creative use of electronic media in the design and implementation of customer driven marketing, research and publication strategies.

(c) 2005 E-Tactics, Inc. All rights reserved.  E-Tactics is registered in US Patent & Trademark Office.

Permission is granted to reprint or distribute The E-TACTICS LETTER as long as this full copyright notice is included together with the subscription information.

E-Tactics, Inc.
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