[Fredslist] Giving Thanks

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Tue Nov 22 08:41:48 EST 2005

As the key note of Gotham's Mission Statement is that "it is better to give than receive" it is only natural as we approach Thanksgiving that we give thanks to the many key members of our Gotham Family. (If you are left out you are not forgotten, it's just that there are so many giving Gothamites). A good starting point is to thank all of our great Group Coordinators who are the backbone of Gotham and our ever expanding 25 Groups. Next must come Debra Lindner our ("sunshine") Executive Director-fredslist moderator and her unsung sister Elizabeth. Equally important is our Web Master Mitch Tobol. Another unsung major domo is "Pro Bono" General Counsel Ben Geizhals. Golf Marshall and Foundation Treasurer Bob Formica merits recognition as do all our stalwart Group Chairs, Art Show Curators Geri Thomas and Michele Sayres, Entertainment Chair Norman Spizz, Survey-Seminar Meister Phil Courtney, Mentor Program Chairs Linda (self proclaimed "Queen of Networking" ) Newman (also Incuba!
 tor "Chick"), Burt Fendelman and Victoria Drogin, all of my Gotham Bombers softball teammates, our membership as a whole and last, but surely not least, my incredible Co-Founder Nancy Schess.  Thank you all!
Sent via BlackBerry from EarthLink Wireless.

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