[Fredslist] Advice re: sony Vaio repair

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Tue Nov 8 06:31:35 EST 2005

The following is a copy of an email volley from my son in college. He 
is getting a huge runaround and rip-off from Sony and the warranty co.

Does anyone have any advice?

-----Original Message-----
From:	Merkelson, Eric M
Sent:	Mon 11/7/2005 10:25 AM
To:	Barbara.Gee at radioshack.com
Subject:	RE: 11477761601-MERKELSON, ERIC  --send me the pictures please
Good Morning Barbara,

I'm writing regarding a laptop sent in for repairs a few weeks ago 
and the reported spill damage.  I had arranged for the repairs and 
shipped it off with no spill damage, but rather an apparent 
monitor/videocard issue.

After a couple of weeks of no activity (not to mention a week of 
waiting for Aon to respond to the pictures sent--as I was told in my 
calls to Central Service), I found out that I had a few days to 
hammer this out.  The pictures apprently show spill damage, some of 
which looks quite recent and still wet.  I am certain that I had no 
part in that, nor do I believe spill damage from a month back would 
still look like it does in the pictures.

I've paid for my warranty through the four years it is possible, I've 
sent in my laptop twice already and gotten it repaired no questions 
asked, and now a loyal customer gets treated by foot-dragging and 
other nonsense---I don't think I deserve that.  Frankly, paying 
$1000+ over the past four years for warranty coverage just to have a 
$1700 repair charge thrown at me is showing quite a bit of disrespect 
towards a customer.

If you can help me figure this out, thank you, it not, please forward 
me the contact information of your manager.  I don't believe I should 
be thrown around for recent damage that I had no part in, considering 
I didn't even sned the unit in for repairs at all related to that 
issue.  Thank you.

Eric Merkelson

-----Original Message-----
From:	Eric.Cruz-LaSanta at us.aonwarranty.com 
[mailto:Eric.Cruz-LaSanta at us.aonwarranty.com]
Sent:	Fri 11/4/2005 12:04 PM
To:	Merkelson, Eric M
Subject:	Fw: 11477761601-MERKELSON, ERIC  --send me the pictures please
Eric.Cruz-LaSanta at us.aonwarranty.com
800-605-7764  EXT. 51555
FAX# 303-590-0596
Laptop Logistics
----- Forwarded by Eric Cruz-La Santa/US/Warranty on 11/04/2005 10:05 AM

"Barbara Gee" <Barbara.Gee at radioshack.com>
10/27/2005 09:53 AM

         To:     <Eric.Cruz-LaSanta at us.aonwarranty.com>,
<Brian.Heaver at us.aonwarranty.com>
         cc:     "Charlie Hedrick" <Charlie.Hedrick at radioshack.com>
         Subject:        FW: 11477761601-MERKELSON, ERIC  --send me the
pictures please

Spill damage; here are the pictures and quote.








Strategic Service Solutions
Barbara Gee
817-415-9346 (v)
817-415-9352 (f)

Adrian Miller Sales Training
Professional Sales Training & New Business Development Consulting
amiller at adrianmiller.com

"What if we train them and they leave?  What if we don't train them 
and they stay?"

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