[Fredslist] Please come and watch Jeffrey Kamberg Run the ING NYC Marathon This Sunday, November 6,2005

Kamberg, Jeffrey (294) Jeffrey.Kamberg at roberthalf.com
Wed Nov 2 08:01:16 EST 2005

ING New York City Marathon

Sunday, November 6, 2005

Cheering Section For

Jeffrey Kamberg


I just wanted to thank you for supporting me over the past few months.
I have raised over $30,000 for cancer research at Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center and looking forward to completing my 5th
Marathon on Sunday, 11/6/05.  You can feel free to check out the website
for Fred's Team at www.mskcc.org/fredsteam.  I would like to invite you
to watch me run the ING NYC Marathon.  I will be wearing my Fred's Team
Uniform which is purple and orange.  I hope to beat my Personal Record
of 4 hours and 20 minutes when I ran the Chicago Marathon last fall.


The race begins in Staten Island at the Verzanno Bridge at 10:10 AM
sharp.  It will take me about 5-10 minutes to cross the start line.   My
goal is to run 9:45 minute mile pace and complete the race in 4 hours
and 15 minutes.  My bib # is 34457.  You could also check out my
location as I run the race at www.nyrrc.org <http://www.nyrrc.org/>
Below  you will find locations along the course that I will be looking
for friends and family.   I would suggest arriving 30 minutes before at
each location.  


Special Cheering Locations where I will be looking for Spectators:


I.                     4th Avenue and 40th Street Brooklyn -North East
Corner                                              (Approximate mile 5)

(36th Street station-D/N/R Subway Stop)

North East Corner (Race Direction is North and East in on the Runners


Estimated Time of Arrival              11:15 AM


II.                   Half Way Section - Long Island City
(Approximate mile 13.7)

North East Corner of Vernon Blvd and 46th Avenue

(E & V train to 23rd Street and Ely Ave -Walk 3 Blocks West)

(Race Direction is North and East is on the Runners Right)


Estimated Time of Arrival              12:30 PM


III.           1st Avenue between 67th and 68th  Street at MSKCC
(Approximate mile 16.8)

At this location I will meet the children being treated at the hospital
for cancer.

The hospital is located on the east side of 1st ave

(Race Direction is Runners Right)



 Estimated Time of Arrival                             1:10 PM



IV.           1st Avenue & 95th Street New York City
(Approximate mile 18.1)

North West Corner (Race Direction is  North and West Corner is on
Runners Left)

Estimated Time of Arrival                              1:20 PM


V.            5th Avenue and 103rd Street New York City
(Approximate mile 22.8)

South East Corner of 103rd Street (Race Direction is South and East
Corner in on the Runners Left)



 Estimated Time of Arrival                             2:20 PM





Thanks again for your support!!

Hope to see you at the ING NYC marathon on 11/06/05 




Fred's Team Run For 

Cancer Research

Sponsor Pledge Sheet

Jeffrey N. Kamberg

Robert Half International

245 Park Avenue-25th Floor

New York, NY 10167

ING NYC Marathon

Race Code #E06MPMSC 

Runner ID #111530531


            YES, I will support Jeffrey Kamberg in the campaign to

raise funds for Fred's Team and the Aubrey Fund for Pediatric Cancer

     at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in the ING New York City
& Big Sur Marathons.


                            I pledge:            ___ $1.00 per mile for
a total contribution of $26.20

                            ___ $2.00 per mile for a total contribution
of $52.40

                                                    ___ $3.00 per mile
for a total contribution of $78.60

                            ___ $5.00 per mile for a total contribution
of $131.00   

                            ___ $10.00 per mile for a total contribution
of $262.00

                            ___ $25.00 per mile for a total contribution
of $655.00

                            ___ $100.00 per mile for a total
contribution of $2620.00

                            ___ OTHER $__________










 Checks payable to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Online Donations at www.mskcc.org/fredsteam

Your donation is 100% tax deductible



                        I would like to charge my pledge on my credit
card (please circle one)


                        Visa                             MasterCard
American Express 


                        Amount:  $__________________ 


Credit Card #:_______________________________Expiration date:_______




*Your credit card statement will reflect "Sloan-Kettering Donation" for
this donation





Jeffrey N. Kamberg
Recruiting Manager
Robert Half International
245 Park Avenue-25th Fl
New York, NY 10167
Phone (212) 983 1800 
Fax     (212) 983 5629
email:  jeffrey.kamberg at roberthalf.com
<mailto:jeffrey.kamberg at roberthalf.com> 
www.roberthalf.com <http://www.roberthalf.com/> 
www.rhi.com <http://www.rhi.com/> 
Robert Half International has been awarded a commendation in the "Best
International Recruitment Firm" category at the Recruiter Awards for
Excellence 2003. 

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