[Fredslist] Seeking to publish articles in diverse publications

Joseph Meerbaum jm at meerbaum.com
Fri May 27 11:36:43 EDT 2005

Thank you for your suggestions.  
Many of the responses have directed me to Real Estate industry publications,
which are certainly great suggestions.
I am especially interested in writing a Real Estate Finance column in
diverse publications, in places that are not exclusively devoted to that
subject, but have a readership that could benefit from an informational Real
Estate column.  
Therefore, if people have suggestions to other types of publications, please
continue to email them to me.
Thank you.
Joseph Meerbaum, Esq.
Real Estate Finance
Meerbaum & Company, Inc.
555 Fifth Avenue, 14th Floor
New York, NY 10017
212.202.3559 fax
jm at meerbaum.com
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