[Fredslist] Thanks and kudos to fellow Gothamite

David Abeshouse davidlaw at optonline.net
Sat May 21 10:32:50 EDT 2005

For my first posting on Fredslist, I thought it appropriate to offer thanks
and congratulations to a fellow Gothamite for doing an excellent job in a
presentation to a tough crowd.

In 2000, I co-founded the Attorney Round Table (A.R.T.), a networking
group/virtual firm comprised of niche practitioners who participate in
monthly dinner meetings on Long Island, and support and refer business to
each other.  We occasionally have outside speakers make presentations at our
dinner meetings.  Gothamite Bruce Swicker, whom I'd never met previously,
did so on Thursday evening, and really wowed us with his expertise, honesty,
and the quality of his presentation overall.  I have copied below the
program recap portion of my post-mortem e-mail report to the members of
A.R.T. (which, among other things, fills in absentees on what transpired).  

Yesterday's program: Last evening's A.R.T. meeting was, as mentioned above,
excellent. Bruce Swicker gave an informative, engaging, and very
well-received presentation on a topic near and dear to our hearts, minds,
and wallets: professional liability insurance protection. It appears that
several group members intend to consult with Bruce for their coverage. He is
president of Earhart Leigh Associates Incorporated, on Fifth Ave. in
Manhattan. 212-764-6740. Bswicker at EarhartLeigh.com
www.insurance4lawfirms.com <outbind://126/www.insurance4lawfirms.com>  Thank
you to Ira for introducing Bruce to the group. And .. 

I understand that Bruce and his company provide a broad menu of business
insurance brokerage services in various arenas, and in particular liability
insurance to a wide variety of professionals, including lawyers and others.
That's why they're known as:
"The professionals' insurance professionals!"

By the way, if any Gotham or other lawyers are interested in learning
whether there's an open slot in A.R.T. for someone with their practice area
concentration (basic qualifications include: niche practice area comprising
more than 50% of their and their firm's boutique practice; owner/partner of
firm; minimum 10 years of practice; active team participant who can attend
at least 80% of meetings themselves and be willing to support and refer),
please feel free to contact me.  We'll be having a membership drive in
September, but can get a head start now. 

Thanks for this forum, Gotham.

David J. Abeshouse 
Alternative Dispute Resolution (Arbitration, Mediation, etc.) 
Gotham L.I. (joined in January '05)

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