[Fredslist] Ride the Circuit to Gotham Hispanic, Tue, Aug 9, 12-2p @ Friar's on 57 E 55th St

Linda 'Queenie' Newman queenie at thorn.net
Mon Jul 25 17:15:11 EDT 2005

Como estamos, Gothamites?  

Ride the Circuit with Gotham's Hispanic group.

Mark your calendars for our next lunch meeting, Aug 9th!  We're extremely fortunate that John Gonzalez has accepted the Co-Chair role and will be working with Al Berrios, our current Co-Chair, to make our group one of the most powerful groups in NY.  We'll also be welcoming Herb Weiss (immigration attorney) to our group and several new guests.  Gotham Hispanic is new & improved: we're introducing new topics to discuss, goals for the group, and making it a meeting you won't want to miss!  Don't forget to RSVP!!

12-12:30p Networking  
12:30-12:45p Administrative
12:45-1:45p Intros, lunch, announcements
1:45-2p Thank Yous, close, networking (free to hang-out past 2p)

Cost for guests: $40, RSVP a must!  Cash or check at the door.

Location: The legendary Friar's Club is on 57 E 55th st, between Park and Madison Avenue (...and they need RSVPs).  Please e-mail Linda Newman, queenie at thorn.net with your name, company name and the type of business you are in so that she may clear any conflicts.  We look forward to seeing you on August 9th.  


Al Berrios and John Gonzalez 
Co-Chairs, Gotham Hispanic

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