[Fredslist] Bombers Regain Their Stride

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Tue Jul 5 21:29:55 EDT 2005

After a disapointing initial loss last week your Gotham Bombers stormed back tonight by the score of 18-6 to regain their winning ways and push their first place record to 8-1!  With an 8 run onslaught in the first inning the Bombers were off and running and never looked back as we ended the game with the invocation of the "slaughter rule" on this writer's 2 out line single to right. The only negative note on an otherwise stellar night was Spider Sciabeca's pulling his hamstring legging out a first inning Homer. Other Homers were hit by Craig Bruck and Jon Turco. Defensively, Roz Quarto stood out at second, turning a DP in addition to a number of other fine plays, plus Howard ""Jimmy" Bersch played 5 flawless innings in Rightfield with his new glove. Last but not least, Bomber good luck charm Marisa Glass stood in stauncly for Carol Orlando as Catcher. The Bombers have never lost with Marisa on the field. Not to be unsung, Anthony Orlando was perfect at first and had 2 hits,!
  Marc Levine had a number of clutch RBIs and Ben Tapper patrolled Center like a grey hound. It's great to be young and a Bomber!

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