[Fredslist] Golf committee

Norman Spizz nspizz at spnmusic.com
Fri Dec 23 13:40:59 EST 2005

Hi Everyone;

It's that time of the year again.  The first committee meeting for  the 
Gotham golf tournament will be held on Thursday Jan 26, 2006 at 4PM in 
Fred's office.  Your help is what makes this event as great as it is. We 
need at least 2 people from each group. Being on the committee requires 
attendance at the first meeting, and possibly one or two others. Please 
email me if you would like to volunteer. This is also a great 
opportunity  to get to know people from other groups. Looking forward to 
seeing you all on the 26.  Happy holidays.

Norman Spizz
SPN MUsic & Entertainment
516 767 3919

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