Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
04.03.2016 (3256 days ago)

The Spirit of Theresa

The Spirit of Theresa
3256 days ago 5 comments Categories: Health Tags:Theresa, Special Needs, TAPA, Theresa Academy,

The March 2016 Gotham City Gazette® recounts the story of how I came to our Gotham following an encounter in 2009 at an CLE led by the venerable Michael Garibaldi and organized by marketer extraordinaire (and more) Lisa Waterman. Fast forward to their CLE six years and three months later and another encounter of a different kind.


Vincent Russo who with wife Susan created a Foundation in memory of their special daughter, Theresa Alexandra asked if we could chat afterwards. I felt a combination of shock, awe and flattery when Vincent shared the news the Theresa Foundation wanted to honor me May 6 with a Spirit of Theresa Award;

2nd Annual Theresa Awards

the event already had two very worthy honorees: Robert McGuire of Cerebal Palsy of Nassau County and distinguished elder law attorney Elizabethanne Miller Angevine, Esq.


Many recall and supported the Foundation last year when our tribe's co-founder Fred Klein was one of two very worthy honorees. Indeed in the prior 21 years, the foundation honored three individuals only two times. I only agreed because I support and believe in the missions of The Theresa Foundation and its Theresa Academy of Performing Arts (TAPA): “to aid children with impairments and their parents.” TAPA offers art programs for special needs children, including dance, music and other arts. Indeed, I turned down a nice sounding honor last summer.


With generous support from many in Gotham and others, the 2015 dinner raised a great deal of funds to support the work of the foundation. I served on that committee, not just for Fred but because I found the cause so worthy.


Yet one thing I prefer not to do more than anything else involves asking people to open their check books. I've fundraised for non-profits where I served on their boards. I never feel comfortable “making the ask” and in my practice I often work with candidates for public office, many of whom feel just as uncomfortable asking for political contributions.


In the political world it is not uncommon to make multiple requests for contributions from the same people. I use that analogy because it may be that some people who gave in 2015 may be asked to give this year to support the Theresa Foundation. Indeed, it is my hope that many people will just evolve into regular Theresa supporters; its work merits just that.


Thank you to those in and out of Gotham, the regular and new supporters of Theresa. The families Theresa serves really appreciate your generosity. And this correspondent wants you to know just how much I feel touched by the outpouring of support. And if the missive moves some readers not yet involved to support Theresa, click this link to learn how.  Feel the Spirit of Theresa.

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