Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.11.2015 (3606 days ago)

One hour

One hour
3606 days ago 22 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

You have about an hour to live. Never thought I here someone say that to me. That type of line was only for TV shows and movies. But here I was in the emergency room with severe abdominal pain and a surgeon I did not know telling me this.


I'm happy to say after two surgeries I'm on the "road to recovery." The details of the whole ordeal are very technical. It appears that it stems from a bone marrow disorder. I'm getting further tests, of course, to find out.


I've been asked if I was scared when told I had only about an hour to live. Frankly, there was no time for me to be scared. I made the decision to get surgery within minutes after consulting with my daughter's father-in-law who knew the surgeon for over 30 years. So for me, fear did not rear it's ugly head. Unfortunately that happened in buckets for my family and friends who knew what was happening. They had to sit around and wait to find out if I was alive or dead while I was on table in a state of propofol bliss. I am so sorry they had to endure that.


I am so grateful for all the thoughts, texts, emails, visits, cards and stuff everyone has sent so far. The positive messages mean so much and whether you realize or not, have a very positive impact on the recipient.


As I, slowly, recover my strength, heal my wounds and especially my emotional state I am thankful for all the love and support. Especially for my surgeon Dr. Grieco who had the guts (literally) to open me up on the first day, realize he could improve my situation by closing me back up and then going in again on the next day!


So hug your kids, loved ones, friends or anybody you like. Spread some love around because in the end that what's really important.


BTW I did not see Elvis :)

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