Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
01.15.2017 (2970 days ago)

Made In The Shade

Made In The Shade
2970 days ago 18 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

In my weekly eve and weekend games, the same expectation applies to all players: Get open, get ball, shoot.  And some I play with demonstrate phenomenal shots and range.  I know my spots and when to slide or roll after a pick.

Folks found  the ball we used at our last session a bit heavy so maybe the usual bounce or roll that falls into the basket just did not apply today, especially for me. My shots were not dropping in or getting the roll the way things would normally work.  Just frustrating.

Then the last game things changed.  My shots swished or banked.  Maybe I just got a better feel for the ball.  And then came the shot that surprised everyone including this shooter.

We had just missed and the other team rebounded. Someone passed to my friend Dave (who I recently brought as a guest to Gotham Towers), one of the better players and somehow simultaneous to him getting the pass, I ripped it out of his hands.  I was stunned; so was everyone else!

Then, in the Heat of the Moment I just shot the ball; the steal and shot occurred almost in the same motion, most analogous to a catch and shoot.  Swish. Made In The Shade.

At the birthday party for his wife Jarmine later, my friend Eric called it the best play ever. Not sure I'd go that far.

And if we did not play an extra half hour longer you might be reading about something else altogether; certainly not this big shot.


[some things extra, inspired by Fred Klein's reply: Do You Believe in Magic, This Magic Moment, and Strange Magic.]

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