Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.27.2017 (2686 days ago)


2686 days ago 22 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

Two weeks ago my blog consisted of a list of my Dislikes, e.g., Judge strike outs. 

My blogging concept is to encourage comments and then respond to them, i.e., interact with the audience and create a conversation.   

This week I seek to double down on the interaction by publishing the reaction to my Dislikes by the readers. 

The commenter Dislikes are as follows:

Paul Napolitano: Disingenuousness/phoniness

Judy Mauer: people disappointing me. Liars, cruelty, our president. Those are things I hate. Things I dislike – middle seat of an airplane, subway steps, extreme heat, insomnia, chronic pain. 

Ben Geizhals: discourteous drivers

Daniel Schwartz: snoring

Cayce Crown: lists

Victoria Drogin: people who are unwilling to consider the validity of all the people's points of view

Sonia Saleh: focusing on dislikes brings more dislikes.  Focusing on likes brings more likes

Corey Bearak: people talking loudly at a concert disrespecting the performing artists I came to hear

Mitch Tobol: People not following the rules

Lonny Schwartz: Canadian geese

To give you the total interactive package, I replied to each of these comments but I'll save that for another time. 

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