Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
03.28.2015 (3630 days ago)

Gotham Makes Music

Gotham Makes Music
3630 days ago 10 comments Categories: Music Tags:Battle of the Bands

This past Sunday, March 22, 2015, our tribe held its Third Annual Gotham Battle of the Bands at The Knitting Factory in Brooklyn.


Attendees enjoyed eight very talented bands – Chordless Triad (1st prize, again), Cometa, Parkway South, The Offshoots (3rd Prize), Stronger Than Sum, Jessica & The Hot Seeds, 1 More Animal, and Off The Record (2nd Prize on its return from year one when the quartet won it al). The winners will all perform at the world famous Café Wha? in NYC (Thank you Gotham MAD Chair William Skody!).


Event Chair Norm Spizz thanked the Committee (co-chaired by this commentator and including Justin Bonus, Dana Charlton, Michael Jakob, Fred Klein Cheryle Levine, Judy Mauer, Sonia Saleh, Shelley Simpson, William Skody and Michael Steger) and the Judges (Rachel Abeshouse, Justin Bonus, Ryan Nach, Shelley Simpson and this commentator).


Committee member Shelley Simpson, a fellow judge shared these sentiments on Fredslist:

"Sometimes what's going and coming around in Gotham is just rock solid entertainment. Yesterday was a Gotham day filled with strumming, drumming, singing, and dancing; there was finger snapping, toe tapping, and plenty of cheering and hand-clapping. We had brass, strings, and all manner of percussive things. The voices were strong, the musicians were bold, managing to cover a wide variety of genres - there was musically something for everyone. The Battle of the  Bands was a huge success as fans and musicians came from across from the Tri-state to gather in the true spirit of Gotham …  the spirit of giving. The musicians gave it their all, the audience appreciation was palpable.  The generous sponsors and volunteers who gave their time and financial support made it all  possible.


"Eight bands competed in front of a standing room only crowd of cheering fans and discerning judges. They completely rocked the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn sending the winners home with cash in their pockets and a gig at Café Wha on their calendar.  So who were there winners? The audience for sure; and, of course, the the top three bands: The Offshoots came in 3rd , Off the Record placed 2nd, and Chordless Triad took the #1 spot.


"If you didn’t make it to the event this year you missed a big deal event - don’t deny yourself next year when we have the BOTB #4! "


and Sonia Saleh shared her comments on how great a time we all experienced:


"Yesterday I went to my first Battle of the Bands, and had a blast! Maybe you can tell from the pictures Fred sent out yesterday. "The diversity of good music from jazz to alternative. Each band playing from the heart. Listening to original works. Enjoying and meeting some cool and rocking Gothamites. Munching on fresh pizza.

"A group of Gotham judges picked the 3 winners who were surprised and estactic. Maybe someone will share the winners.

"It was wonderful to see so so many talented people in Gotham, from musicians, judges, videographers, and of course the wonderful committee (yes I was on it :-)).

"We have to thank our fearless leader who put this all together, Norman Spizz for a great event. "Can’t wait for the next one!"

Frankly, if not for the generosity of our sponsors, the above four paragraphs and the flow of other thank yous to committee members and judges would never have occurred.  The sponsors enabled Gotham to offer prizes sufficient to attract quality bands and a new exciting venue not previously available and in the heart of “hipsterville”.


So EVERYONE in Gotham please join me and the Battle of the Bands Committee members in THANKING these generous souls who — through their generous support — made yesterdays' musical extravaganza possible:

Rock and Roll Sponsor:

Drs. Louis Potter and  Lou Kavoussi (also member of Jessica and the Hot Seeds)

Funk Sponsor:

Michael Muskat, Deerstags Concepts (member of The Offshoots)

Jazz Sponsors:

5th Street Advisors (Lucas Meyer)


Minuteman Press of Bellerose (Scott Levine)

Pegalis & Erickson (Annamarie Bondi Stoddard)

The Gaines Law Firm (Richard Gaines)

The Law Offices of David Abeshouse

The Luthman Law Firm (Richard Luthmann)

Hip Hop Sponsors:

John Gallin & Son (Tom Gallin)

Cafe Wha? (William Skody)

Skody Scot & Co. (William Skody)

Grande Harvest Wines (Bruce Nevins)

Organic Harmony Music Management (Jim Kramer).

Rap Sponsors:

Steger Krane LLP

Uplifting NonProfits (Sonia J.T. Saleh)

Steven Horn

Morgan Melhuish Abrutyn (Meri Stoma)

Carriage Trade Insurance Agency (Michael Jakob)

Breiter & Gura LLP (Rona Gura)

Juice Plus (Shelley Simpson

and our overall Gotham Sponsor, Raj Goel, Brainlink International.


Please view their ads in the Battle of the Bands program journal (Special thank you to our printer, Scott Levine of Minuteman Press of Bellerose) here.  It also includes information on the bands and judges.

Thank you.



p.s. if you have interest in becoming a Sponsor of any Gotham even or in an overall sponsorship, please contact me to learn of the opportunities.

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